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Our Vote for Home general election campaign

If we want a fairer renting system and the social homes we need, we must use our power as voters to force politicians to make ending the housing emergency a top priority this general election.

Home is our country’s foundation

When we live in a safe, secure and affordable home, it supports our health and wellbeing and provides us with the solid base we need to thrive in life.

Currently, one in three adults in Britain (that's 17.5 million people) are impacted by the housing emergency – living in overcrowded, dangerous, unstable or unaffordable housing.

But successive governments have ignored this year after year and the impact has been devastating.

  • 33% more people sleep rough than ten years ago

  • 45% of private renters say rent worries are making them anxious or depressed

  • 250,000 social rented homes were sold or demolished in the past decade

The commitments we urgently need from a future government

We believe that no political party can consider itself ready to lead the country unless it is willing to tackle the housing emergency head on.  

We need them to rebuild a fairer housing system that provides the solid foundations that this country sorely needs.

This manifesto has been created with people from across the country, from rural and coastal towns to urban centres, to outline a clear plan of action. With one in four voters affected by the housing emergency, the next general election is our opportunity to change things and the good news is, your voice and your vote are powerful.

Our manifesto asks party leaders to:

  • Build a new generation of social homes 

  • Make renting affordable   

  • Raise standards in rented homes  

  • Strengthen housing rights

Read our full manifesto [PDF, 15MB]

Read the shorter executive summary [PDF, 7MB]

Housing problems can make you feel powerless. But when it comes to the general election, the power is in your hands. Will you support our Vote for Home campaign to make sure housing is at the top of the political agenda?

Sign our open letter

People with lived experience helped shape our manifesto

  • People who are homeless and trapped in temporary accommodation waiting for a social home.

  • People too scared to complain to their landlord about damp and mould affecting their physical health for fear of being evicted.

  • People who are being crushed by the weight of unfair rent increases.

We all know someone struggling with the cost or condition of their home

Clare's story

'Eighteen months being at the mercy of a broken safety net of emergency and temporary accommodation. We found ourselves priced and discriminated out of the private rental sector. At every turn to be told, ''there are no houses'' was devastating.'

Priscilla's story

'I am stressed, anxious and depressed. I can't sleep and I can't concentrate at work. When I look for places, I don’t know what to expect, because often even though I meet all the criteria, the property will be offered to someone who is in a stronger financial situation than me and can offer more money.'

Dave's story

'While I was looking for a new place, I was being asked for six months' rent up front, which made it very difficult. I didn’t have that money, and I didn’t know anyone who could be a guarantor – it’s these invisible barriers that are in the way of securing yourself a new place to rent. So much of it isn’t really in your control.'

  • 3000 people sleep rough on any given night

  • 131,000 children are growing up in temporary accommodation

  • 1.2 million households are stuck on social housing waiting lists

Do you have a story to share about how the housing emergency is affecting you or your family? We'd love to hear from you.

You have the power to change things

Over the next year, politicians will be trying to win your vote. Why not tell them you're only interested in a new government that will promise to put housing first?

A government that rebuilds our housing system on principles that guarantee genuinely affordable, safe and secure homes - ones that provide a foundation for adults and children living across England.

To get commitments from political parties, enough of us need to join our Vote for Home campaign and sign this open letter to party leaders.

Let's stand together, maximise our influence, and remind them they'll lose our vote - and the next general election - if they continue to ignore the housing emergency.

A campaigner carries a board with a collage of words on it around how people feel about the housing emergency

Add your name to our open letter and join our Vote for Home campaign; demand that every party leader commits to ending the housing emergency in their manifesto.

Sign our open letter

We're committed to prioritising anti-racism in our Vote for Home general election campaign

The housing emergency in England shows itself most acutely in the inequalities it perpetuates. Read our statement to find out more about our promise to advocate for racial justice in the housing sector – in the lead-up to the general election and beyond.

Read our anti-racism statement