Coercive control and the Domestic Abuse Act
- Online
- Thursday 5 December 2024, 10am-12pm

£75+VAT standard rate | £60+VAT discount rate
This half day online workshop will help housing staff to identify, understand, and respond effectively to coercive control and understand the impact of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
What this workshop covers
This workshop covers the definition of coercive control, how to identify and understand it, how to ask questions that increase the odds of disclosure, how to document coercive control, and how to recognise and resist victim-blaming.
You’ll learn about helpful resources for both workers and their clients, along with an overview of the Domestic Abuse Act, focusing on key points of interest for housing staff.
What you'll learn
By the end of this interactive event, you will be able to:
define and identify coercive control
ask effective questions that invite disclosure
know how to record coercive control
understand the key components of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and signpost to further resources
After attending this event you'll have an increased knowledge of housing and homelessness legislation, specifically the Homeless Reduction Act 2017 and the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
Who this workshop is for
You don't need any prior knowledge for this session.
You could be new to your role or be an experienced housing professional.
You might work in a frontline role with domestic abuse survivors, in the housing sector or in another statutory or voluntary organisation.
Level: Introductory (Level 3)
CPD points: 2 (pending)