In the year 2023/24, our supporters helped us raise an incredible £53,336,000 in voluntary income.
How we spend your money
For every £1 you donate:
79p is spent directly on helping people through advice, support and campaigning
21p is spent on fundraising

Our 2023/24 annual report
Our annual report shows the different ways we've helped over the past financial year. It details how we've made progress against our strategic aims, how Shelter is organised, and how we funded our work.
Download Shelter's 2023/24 annual report
View our previous reports:
Shelter's supporter charter: Our promise to you
Weʼll use your donations carefully and responsibly.
Weʼll respect your wish to assign a gift to a particular aspect of our work.
Weʼll thank you for your support, and let you know what your donations do.
We’ll fund work with a demonstrable, positive impact on people’s lives, while keeping support costs to a minimum.
Weʼll keep your personal details and donations secure, and never share your personal data with other organisations.
Weʼll follow the Institute of Fundraising Codes of Fundraising Practice, ensuring our activities are open, fair, honest and legal.
We’ll use your preferred communication channels. If these change, we’ll adapt them swiftly to suit your needs.
Weʼll acknowledge any queries and complaints within three working days, and respond fully within ten working days.
Our face-to-face fundraisers receive in-depth training.
Fair Fundraising
Because we’re committed to fair, honest and open fundraising, we are a member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising. We're also registered with the Fundraising Regulator, and follow its Codes of Fundraising Practice.
Itʼs very important to us that our face-to-face fundraisers follow the specific requirements set out in the code, which include:
having legible identification that’s prominently displayed
identifying and terminating conversations with potentially vulnerable members of the public
never deliberately misleading or confusing a member of the public

How we raise money:
55% from donations and legacies
13% from Shelter shops
30% from funded advice and support
2% from training and publications

More about Shelter

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