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Spotlight on: Violence against women and girls

  • Online
  • Thursday 3 October 2024, 10am-1pm
    Book your place now

    £130+VAT standard rate | £115+VAT discount rate

    This half day learning event equips housing staff with knowledge and tools to play a critical role in the reduction and prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG).

    What this event covers

    The event will begin with delegates reflecting on the myth or stereotype about violence against women or girls that they encounter in conversations with colleagues or partners.

    This encourages participants to consider and challenge common misconceptions around VAWG, focusing on the types of people who are affected, perpetrators, and the contexts within which violence occurs.

    You'll get the chance to engage in discussion, and share ideas on good practice and strategies to improve outcomes for victims.

    Who this event is for

    You don't need any prior knowledge for this session.

    You could be new to your role or be an experienced housing professional.



    Welcome and introduction with Ian Hamilton, Training and Consultancy Services Team Leader, Shelter.


    Davina James-Hanman, CEO at DJH Consultancy  

    The event will begin with this question posed to delegates:

    What is the myth or stereotype about violence against women and girls (VAWG) that you struggle to counter when raising awareness with colleagues or partners? 


    Responding to sexual violence

    This session will provide an outline of sexual violence and consider what skills and knowledge housing professionals need to support someone who has experienced it.

    It is imperative that housing professionals are able to respond effectively to disclosures of abuse, having up-to-date knowledge of specialist services and the expert support they offer. Alongside examining the skills and knowledge required for effective response, this session will explore practical solutions related to housing.

    Dr Kelly Henderson, Managing Director at Addressing Domestic Abuse (ADA)


    The role of housing support and advice: Early insights from the Domestic Abuse Duty evaluation

    This session will share early insights from the national evaluation of the Domestic Abuse Duty to provide support in safe accommodation (Part 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act).

    The study explores whether and how the Domestic Abuse Duty has contributed to effective support that meets survivors needs. The discussion will focus on what the longitudinal research in 19 case study areas shows about the role of housing support and advice in survivors’ experiences. This will be a reflective discussion, with opportunity to inform the final round of fieldwork and analysis.

    Dr Caroline Paskell, Research Director at Ipsos UK

    11:30am Break


    Understanding and responding to diverse victim experiences and needs

    This workshop explores the differences in support needs for people affected by domestic abuse. It enables participants to offer tailored assistance and to respond effectively to victim-survivors.

    Davina James Hanman, CEO at DJH Consultancy


    Reflective and interactive group session

    Delegates will be presented with discussion topics covering good practice, changes we need to make, priorities for improving responses to VAWG, and key learnings from the event.

    Davina James Hanman, CEO at DJH Consultancy

    1:00pm Event ends

    Organisations included in Shelter's preventing violence against women and girls event.