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Shelter retail Gift Aid and agency agreement

Shelter can claim Gift Aid on your donations, so when you say yes to Gift Aid, we can claim an extra 25% of the value of your sold item/s from HM Revenue and Customs. This means we can raise more money from your donations at no extra cost to you*.

Gift Aid declaration

By joining the Gift Aid scheme, I agree that I want to Gift Aid my current donation and any donations I may make in the future or have made in the past four years to Shelter. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I will notify Shelter (Trading Ltd) of any change in my personal circumstances, such as name and address, if I no longer pay UK Income or Capital Gains tax, or if I wish to cancel the declaration.

Terms and conditions

*I confirm Shelter (Trading Ltd) will act as my agent in selling the goods, from which a 2% commission fee plus VAT will be deducted from the proceeds of the sale. This legally binding agreement means the net proceeds from the sale of the goods will be donated to Shelter (Registered Charity Number 263710 (England and Wales) and SC002327 (Scotland)). Any goods Shelter deems unsuitable for sale or is unable to sell will be recycled or disposed of and will not be returned. Shelter reserves the right to change and/or cancel this agreement. Any goods given or donations made to Shelter are my own and not that of a business, sponsorship, or fundraising event. I understand I can find up-to-date terms and conditions in-store or online at

It will not be necessary to contact me in-year where the net proceeds are £1,000 or less in the tax year (6 April – 5 April). Where the total net proceeds are in excess of £1,000 in the tax year, Shelter will contact me to seek consent that those net proceeds in excess of £1,000 may be donated. I have 21 days from the point of notification being sent to advise Shelter if I do not wish to donate these funds. If further goods are sold in the tax year, additional consent contacts will be made.

Shelter will notify me how much my net proceeds have raised at the end of each tax year. If my total net proceeds are less than £20 in the tax year, Shelter will notify me at the end of the second or third tax year from when goods were sold. If my goods fail to sell, no notification will be sent. If I still wish to receive a notification for donations less than £20, I will contact Shelter. Should HMRC’s guidance change on how Gift Aid is managed, I understand that Shelter will act appropriately and may not advise me of these changes.