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Stay safe online

Read this page if you're at risk of domestic abuse or you think someone checks your internet use.

Read advice in a safe place. For example:

  • when your abuser is out and you know when they will be back

  • use a device your abuser will not see, like a computer in a trusted friend's house or a library

If you need to leave this site fast

Some of our pages have an EXIT SITE button. You can also tap ESC on your keyboard twice.

This will take you to a Google search for the weather.

Your browser back button will not show the page you used the EXIT SITE button on. But it will still show pages you visited before that, including other Shelter pages.

Use private or incognito browsing

Most internet browsers have a private mode. Private mode does not show in your internet history.

If you use private browsing, you still need to delete any files, pictures or documents you download.

Delete your internet history

This stops anyone seeing what pages you have visited.

Only delete the pages you want to keep private. Deleting your whole history might look unusual.

Settings on different browsers

Find out how to use private mode or delete your history on the most common internet browsers.

You can check if you do not know what browser you're using.

More about staying safe online

Women's Aid
Online safety guide to help you hide internet activity from an abuser.

Step by step guides and tools for different devices and online accounts.

Tips on online safety for passwords, location settings and smart devices.

Last updated: 4 February 2025