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No-fault bailiff evictions soar to six year high

Posted 16 May 2024

New government data, released today, shows 2,682 households in England were marched out of their homes by bailiffs as a result of Section 21 no-fault evictions between January and March – up 19% in a year and the highest number in six years.

The Ministry of Justice figures show a further 7,863 landlords in England started Section 21 no-fault eviction proceedings against their tenants in that time period, an increase of 15% in a year.

Nearly 29,000 households have been kicked out of their home by bailiffs since the government first promised to ban Section 21 no fault evictions five years ago.

No-fault evictions are a major contributing factor to rising homelessness because they allow landlords to evict tenants with only two months’ notice, without having to give a reason. Recent government data found that no fault evictions resulted in a record 25,910 households being threatened with homelessness in 2023.

Last month, MPs ignored calls from organisations representing renters, and voted to accept amendments to the Renters (Reform) Bill. These amendments could indefinitely delay banning Section 21s and reintroduce some fixed term tenancies, prompting Shelter and others to say they could no longer support the Bill and call for serious changes to the draft legislation.

With the Bill now making its way through the House of Lords, Shelter is calling on peers from all political parties to overhaul the legislation and seize this last meaningful opportunity to strengthen the Bill and deliver lasting change for renters.

Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: “Evictions are rocketing to new heights whilst this government has put the threats of a small group of self-interested landlord backbenchers over the safety and security of 11 million private renters.

“It’s been five years since the government pledged to rebalance the scales in private renting, and what do we have to show for it? A Renters Reform Bill, left in tatters, which will keep renters trapped in the same hellish conditions they’ve endured for decades, or abandon them to the whims of their landlords and the terrifying spectre of homelessness.

“With the Bill now in the hands of the Lords, peers of all stripes must overhaul this threadbare legislation and deliver the change that renters desperately need. Without serious amends to give tenants greater protection from eviction after moving in and longer notice periods, renters' best hope of a stable home will be lost.”


Notes to editors:

Bailiff eviction statistics: The government's mortgage and landlord statistics (Table 8) show that there has been a 19% increase in repossessions by private landlords using the accelerated procedure in England compared to the same period in 2023. This is the highest number of bailiff evictions in a quarter for six years (since 2018 Q1, when there were 2,791 repossessions). This data is published by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and is available at:

PeriodAccelerated procedure repossessions (i.e. section 21 bailiff evictions)
2023 Q1 2,250
2024 Q1 2,682

Court proceeding statistics: The government's mortgage and landlord statistics (Table 8) also show that there has been a 15% increase in claims issued by private landlords using the accelerated procedure in England compared to the same period in 2023.

PeriodAccelerated procedure claims (i.e. section 21 court claims)
2023 Q16,817
2024 Q17,863

The government's mortgage and landlord statistics (Table 8) show that since Q2 2019 – when the government first promised to ban s21 evictions – there have been 28,993 section 21 bailiff evictions as a result of a section 21 notice. The eviction ban, which was in place between March 2020 and May 2021, reduced the number of cases being heard by the courts and the number of bailiff evictions. Since the ban was lifted, section 21 bailiff evictions have skyrocketed.

YearAccelerate procedure repossessions (i.e. section 21 bailiff evictions)
2019 (excluding Q1)5,807
2024 Q12,682

About Shelter: Shelter exists to defend the right to a safe home and fight the devastating impact the housing emergency has on people and society. Shelter believes that home is everything. Shelters expert advisers offer vital support and advice to millions of families who are enduring the immense harm caused by housing emergency. Learn more at