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Policy Library

Policy, research and good practice work forms a major part of Shelter's efforts to address and find solutions for homelessness and housing issues.

Briefing: King's Speech 2024

As the new government introduces legislation for the first parliamentary session and decides its areas of focus, one of its urgent priorities must be to tackle the housing emergency.

Published: 12 July 2024

Briefing: King's Speech 2024

Brick by Brick: A Plan To Deliver the Social Homes We Need

This comprehensive report sets out a six-point plan to build the 90,000 new social homes a year that this country needs to end the housing emergency.

Published: 11 July 2024

Brick by Brick: A Plan To Deliver the Social Homes We Need

Research: Council Housing Social Rent Delivery

England needs at least 90,000 social rent homes a year to end the housing emergency. Shelter commissioned Arup to assess how many social homes councils can deliver annually and what is needed to boost delivery. The report specifically focuses on the delivery of social rented homes, with rents tied to local income.

Published: 11 July 2024

Research: Council Housing Social Rent Delivery

Social homes - Open letter to all political leaders

Ahead of the 2024 General election, businesses, charities and think tanks across England have come together to support the Made in Social Housing campaign to reassert our shared call for all political parties to commit to delivering a new mass social housebuilding programme. The campaign highlights the positive impact that social rent homes have on the people who grow up in it.

Published: 30 May 2024

Social homes - Open letter to all political leaders

Briefing: House of Lords Second Reading of the Renters (Reform) Bill

The Bill which has made its way to the House of Lords is completely inadequate. We are therefore calling on all Peers to make this Bill fit for purpose.

Published: 10 May 2024

Briefing: House of Lords Second Reading of the Renters (Reform) Bill

The Fight for Home is a Fight Against Racism

Not everyone experiences the housing emergency in the same way. Black, Brown and other communities of colour face additional barriers to accessing a safe and secure home. Historical inequities, modern policies and systemic racism mean that, while there is huge variation between different ethnic groups, people of colour are disproportionately more likely to be made homeless, live in deprived neighbourhoods and poor-quality homes.

Published: 8 May 2024

The Fight for Home is a Fight Against Racism

Home Again: A 10-City Plan to rapidly convert empty homes into social rent homes

This 10-City Plan sets out how a new government could invest £1.25bn in central grant funding to rapidly convert 10,500 empty homes into social rent homes in the first three years of a new government.

Published: 24 April 2024

Home Again: A 10-City Plan to rapidly convert empty homes into social rent homes

Briefing: Report Stage of the Renters (Reform) Bill

We are calling on all MPs to stand up to the self-interest of landlord MPs and ensure the debate at Report Stage is a truly balanced one.

Published: 22 April 2024

Briefing: Report Stage of the Renters (Reform) Bill

Briefing: Social housing – a place of safety for domestic abuse survivors

Domestic abuse is, by its very nature, a housing issue and a key driver of homelessness for women. 2.1 million people were subjected to domestic abuse in England and Wales last year with two-thirds (65%) of victims women. Domestic abuse is the third most common trigger of homelessness.

Published: 19 April 2024

Briefing: Social housing – a place of safety for domestic abuse survivors

Briefing: Putting on the stabilisers - Protecting private renters from unaffordable rent rises

The Renters Reform Bill offers a crucial opportunity to tackle a major cause of instability in England’s private rented sector, the lack of regulation of rent increases. Sensible measures to stabilise the rate at which rents increase during a tenancy would balance tenants’ right to a secure, affordable and stable home with landlords’ need to reasonably cover cost increases.

Published: 25 March 2024

Briefing: Putting on the stabilisers - Protecting private renters from unaffordable rent rises