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Policy Library

Policy, research and good practice work forms a major part of Shelter's efforts to address and find solutions for homelessness and housing issues.

Briefing: Social homes – building thriving communities and safer streets

Evidence repeatedly shows how housing insecurity can fracture communities and drive-up crime rates. The dire shortage of social rent homes in England has also exacerbated the vulnerability of those in the greatest danger of violent crime. Investment in a new generation of social rent homes is an investment in our communities and in crime prevention. The delivery of 90,000 social rent homes a year will provide access to safe, well-managed and genuinely affordable homes, helping to build stable, supportive neighbourhoods which offer the security and autonomy for communities to flourish. It will also lead to billions in savings due to lower crime.

Published: 20 March 2024

Briefing: Social homes – building thriving communities and safer streets

Research: The economic impact of building social housing

The Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) has been commissioned by Shelter and the National Housing Federation (NHF) to assess the economic and social impacts of building 90,000 social homes.

Published: 27 February 2024

Research: The economic impact of building social housing

Social housing - a prescription for better health and wellbeing

In the first briefing of a general election focused series we explore the link between housing and health. How homelessness kills. How half of private renters are worried about paying the rent. And how poor housing conditions cost the NHS £1.4 billion a year.

Published: 14 February 2024

Social housing - a prescription for better health and wellbeing

Homelessness in England 2023

A research report documenting the scale of homelessness in England in 2023

Published: 14 December 2023

Homelessness in England 2023

Evidence submission: Shelter submission for the Autumn Statement 2023

Shelter calls on the Chancellor to end the damaging housing benefit freeze which is driving record homelessness.

Published: 1 November 2023

Evidence submission: Shelter submission for the Autumn Statement 2023

Briefing: Second Reading of the Renters (Reform) Bill

Shelter strongly welcomes second reading of this long-awaited bill, and is campaigning to ensure that it is passed swiftly and is robust enough to provide private renters with genuine security and safety in their homes, as well as proper protection against discrimination.

Published: 20 October 2023

Briefing: Second Reading of the Renters (Reform) Bill

The Way Home: A Manifesto to Rebuild Our Broken Housing System

Shelter's manifesto for the 2024 general election

Published: 20 September 2023

The Way Home: A Manifesto to Rebuild Our Broken Housing System

1 in 4 voters are affected by the housing emergency

Shelter’s new research, conducted by Opinium, finds that 1 in 4 voters are affected by the housing emergency. This research is taken from 1,804 adults in England.

Published: 20 September 2023

1 in 4 voters are affected by the housing emergency

Report: The Citizens' Summit on the Housing Emergency

Shelter commissioned NatCen’s Centre for Deliberative Research (CDR) to deliver a citizens’ summit on the housing emergency to inform the development of its manifesto.

Published: 20 September 2023

Report: The Citizens' Summit on the Housing Emergency

Joint briefing: HMO licensing and asylum seeker accommodation regulations

The government’s plan to exempt asylum seeker accommodation from these vital safety requirements will put people seeking asylum at a higher risk of fires and poorer living conditions. It also creates a risk of more evictions from HMOs and supported exempt housing if landlords seek to switch existing rental properties to Home Office contracts, putting more pressure on council homelessness services.

Published: 30 June 2023

Joint briefing: HMO licensing and asylum seeker accommodation regulations