Policy Library
Policy, research and good practice work forms a major part of Shelter's efforts to address and find solutions for homelessness and housing issues.
Research: Shut Out: Households at put at risk of homelessness by the housing benefit freeze
Research: Shut Out: Households at put at risk of homelessness by the housing benefit freeze - Shelter England
Published: 1 June 2017
Briefing: Grenfell Tower Adjournment Debate
Briefing: Grenfell Tower Adjournment Debate - Shelter England
Published: 1 June 2017
Briefing: First 100 Days
Briefing: First 100 Days - Shelter England
Published: 1 June 2017
Briefing: The case for enabling acquiring authorities to purchase land for strategic development under a special CPO compensation code
Shelter briefing making the case for a special CPO compensation code to apply to land identified for strategic infrastructure and housing developments.
Published: 1 May 2017
Consultation response: Planning and affordable housing for build to rent
Consultation response: Planning and affordable housing for build to rent - Shelter England
Published: 1 May 2017
Consultation response: Fixing our broken housing market
Consultation response: Fixing our broken housing market - Shelter England
Published: 1 May 2017
Briefing: Hard Pressed Renters - The Forgotten Middle?
Briefing: Hard Pressed Renters - The Forgotten Middle? - Shelter England
Published: 1 May 2017
Briefing: Living Rent Homes
Briefing: Living Rent Homes - Shelter England
Published: 1 May 2017
Consultation Response: Shelter response to Mayor of London SPG
Consultation Response: Shelter response to Mayor of London SPG - Shelter England
Published: 1 March 2017