Briefing: Backbench Business Debate on "A fairer private rented sector" White Paper
Briefing: Backbench Business Debate on A fairer private rented sector White Paper
For too long, private renters have been living in a sector characterised by insecurity, poor conditions and high rents. The government’s A fairer private rented sectorWhite Paper set out its proposals for the Renters’ Reform Bill. If enacted properly, these proposals will go a long way to transforming the private rented sector, finally levelling the playing field between tenants and landlords.
Private renters have been waiting too long for reform, and Shelter is now calling on the Government to:
Urgently set a date for the long awaited Renters’ Reform Bill so that the promises outlined in the White Paper can finally be made a reality for England’s 11 million private renters.
Strengthen reforms to give private renters genuine security in their homes. Shelter welcomes the ambition of the White Paper, but in order to meet the Government’s aim of creating a fairer, more secure private rented sector it must strengthen certain areas of its reforms, such as lengthening notice periods.
Ensure that these proposals are adequately funded so that new regulations can be properly enforced by local authorities.