Briefing: Everyone In: Where are they now?
Briefing: Everyone In: Where are they now?
In February 2021, we submitted Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to every local
authority in England to get more detailed information about where the people that had been
in emergency accommodation as part of Everyone In are now.
We found that:
More than three-quarters (77%) of those initially accommodated had not moved into
settled accommodation, equating to an estimated 29,000 people.23% of the total – and almost 1 in 3 (30%) of those not moved into settled
accommodation - were no longer accommodated. This equates to an estimated
8,800 people.Over a fifth (22%) of people supported by Everyone In were still in emergency
accommodation, including hostels and B&Bs.
To protect lives, both during the on-going pandemic and beyond, Government must learn
lessons from ‘Everyone In’, including a thorough review of outcomes for those helped. They
must set out a roadmap to end rough sleeping - to protect everyone at risk of the streets,
prevent homelessness by tackling COVID-arrears and inadequate benefits, and build a new
generation of social housing aimed at preventing homelessness.