Report: Homes for the next generation - lessons from the West Midlands
Report: Home for the next generation
Over a number of months KPMG and Shelter have spoken with some of the most important players involved in the housing sector in the West Midlands. They have told us why they think not enough homes are being built and given early views on some of the policies that may be needed to close the gap.
Overall, there was a strong consensus that more homes need to be built to meet housing need and numerous examples of collaboration between different parties to improve supply. However our participants were firmly agreed that without a major intervention to change the cost and availability of land for development, we cannot expect the step-change in housing supply that is needed.
This report sets out the evidence from those meetings and points us towards the areas in which solutions will be needed to boost housing supply to meet housing need. Some of the messages we heard are challenging for current policy assumptions. Others suggest that bold new approaches will be required.