Briefing: Opposition Day debate on Universal Credit
Briefing: Opposition Day debate on Universal Credit
The managed migration of Universal Credit is due to commence in 2019 and will ultimately see millions of individuals across the country transfer from their existing benefits onto Universal Credit.
Shelter has serious concerns about the proposed migration process, which risks many vulnerable people being left without support, if left unaltered. These concerns are informed by the experience of Shelter services around the country who want to make sure they can help support our clients through the migration. We believe that the government urgently needs to consider the following:
1. That migration should happen automatically wherever possible, instead of requiring people to reapply for their benefits;
2. That there should be sufficient support for people who are moved onto Universal Credit;
3. That a proper timetable for the migration should be published as a matter of urgency and should include sufficient pauses and firebreaks to allow for evaluation of the phased rollout and adjustments to be made where necessary.