Denied The Right To A Safe Home: East Midlands Factsheet
Denied The Right To A Safe Home: East Midlands Factsheet
At Shelter, we know that the housing emergency is tearing lives apart. In every city, in every town, in every village, every single day, people are living without safe, secure or stable homes.
Today we have launched a new report that shows the scale of the national housing emergency. Built upon a comprehensive survey of 13,000 people throughout the UK, it looks at just how many people are trapped in the housing emergency and the different ways it affects their lives. This is a summary of the report for the East Midlands region.
New-born babies are breathing in toxic mould from unfit houses. Younger people are struggling to make ends meet in dangerous flats. People are denied a place to rent simply because they’re gay, disabled or Black. And there are many others who’ve been forced to sleep on the streets – with no place to go to, no one to turn to and no hope for the future.
The housing emergency is ruining lives. We want to work to make sure these findings are heard and acted upon.