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Alternatives to supported accommodation - Good Practice briefing

By: Paul Hayes
Published: March 2008

Alternatives to supported accommodation - Good Practice briefing

Most older people live happy and productive lives, wherever they happen to live, but some find that their quality of life is compromised by poor or unsuitable housing. Approximately 90 per cent of older people live independently in their own homes, with an estimated five per cent of older households living in sheltered and very sheltered accommodation, and five per cent living in registered care homes.

The decision to move to supported accommodation can feel like the only solution to the older person, as advisers such as carers, often have little knowledge of the full range of alternatives. Older people face a number of housing-related issues that may lead them to consider moving.

This briefing will look at some of the ways in which older people can be helped to sustain or improve their current accommodation and maintain their independence.