Response - Possible Future Homelessness Data Collection (p1e) and Dissemination Changes
Response - Possible Future Homelessness Data Collection (p1e) and Dissemination Changes
We welcome the Government's consultation on changing the way in which homelessness data is collected from local authorities. We believe that this consultation is timely given the recent changes in homelessness policy following the Homelessness Act 2002 and the publication of More than a Roof. We would also welcome the opportunity to comment on the new draft P1E when it is available
We are of the view that there is a strong case for the introduction of case by case database for collecting homelessness data and the ODPM should make it a priority to look into how such a system could be introduced.
The P1E data collection should record more information about homeless applicants who have not been accepted as being homeless and in priority need by local authorities.
We particularly welcome the proposals to record information about repeat homelessness and preventative action. We also welcome proposals to record dual reasons for priority need and loss of last settled accommodation and more information about the age of applicants and the number of children in households in temporary accommodation.
We recommend that the ODPM look at how incentives or penalties could be used to improve the consistency of completion and return of P1E forms by local authorities.