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The Fight for Home is a Fight Against Racism

By: Policy
Published: 08 May 2024

The Fight for Home is a Fight Against Racism

Everyone deserves an affordable, decent, and secure home. But too many people don’t have one. People working every hour they can are forced to choose between feeding their families and keeping a roof over their head. Private rents are soaring higher than ever and now there are over 145,000 homeless children in England. This is the housing emergency which is ruining lives every day.

Not everyone experiences the housing emergency in the same way. Black, Brown and other communities of colour face additional barriers to accessing a safe and secure home. Historical inequities, modern policies and systemic racism mean that, while there is huge variation between different ethnic groups, people of colour are disproportionately more likely to be made homeless, live in deprived neighbourhoods and poor-quality homes.

To make sure that everyone has the right to a decent and permanent home, we must put race equity at the heart of the fight for home.