This is England: A picture of homelessness in 2019
This is England: A picture of homelessness in 2019
Homelessness comes in many varied forms and is extremely difficult to accurately count. With this work we attempt to estimate a snapshot of the number of people homeless on one given night in 2019. The types of homelessness that we count in this work are:
people who have been accepted as homeless and now live in Temporary Accommodation arranged by the local council
people who have been legally accepted as homeless and now live in Temporary Accommodation arranged by themselves, or are living ‘homeless at home’
people who are rough sleeping
people who are owed a homelessness relief duty under the new Homelessness Reduction Act, but have not been provided with accommodation (this is a new element for 2019)
single people who are in hostel accommodation, but are not counted among the statutorily homeless people above
people who are owed a duty under the Children’s Act and are living in temporary accommodation that has been arranged by Social Services