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Universal credit deductions

Paying back money you owe to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) through deductions from your benefit.

Advances or overpayments

Money is taken from your monthly universal credit (UC) payment to repay:

  • UC advances

  • budgeting advances

  • budgeting loans

  • hardship payments

  • benefit or tax credit overpayments

You might have more than one of these deductions.

There are limits on how much can be taken in total each month.

UC advances and budgeting advances come before other DWP debts.

UC advances

You usually pay back a UC advance over:

  • 2 years - for an advance at the start of your claim

  • 6 months - for an advance after a change in your situation

Ask for deductions to be delayed if you cannot afford them.

The DWP can delay repayments for up to:

  • 3 months - for an advance at the start of your claim

  • 1 month - for an advance after a change in your situation

Leave a message like this in your UC journal:

I am finding it very hard to repay my UC advance.

I cannot afford food or to pay my bills at the moment.

Please could you pause the deductions for 3 months.

Or you can call the universal credit helpline on 0800 328 5644.

Tell them why you cannot afford the deductions. For example, you had an unexpected bill.

Budgeting advances

You might have asked for a budgeting advance to help with important costs.

Budgeting advances are different from UC advances.

You usually pay a budgeting advance back over:

  • 2 years - if you apply from December 2024

  • 1 year - if you got it before December 2024

You can ask to extend the repayment time up to 18 months for a budgeting advance taken before December 2024.

You need an important reason to do this. For example, if you need to visit a family member in hospital and this costs you money.

Leave a message in your UC journal or call the UC helpline on 0800 328 5644.

Budgeting loans

You might have got a budgeting loan if you were on other benefits before moving to UC.

Budgeting loans usually have to paid back over 2 years.

If you cannot afford these deductions, call DWP debt management on 0800 916 0647.

Hardship payments

You might get hardship payments if your benefit is sanctioned.

UC hardship payments have to be paid back through deductions. You do not start paying them back until the sanction has ended.

If you cannot afford these deductions, call DWP debt management on 0800 916 0647.

They might reduce or cancel deductions if you cannot afford food, rent or important bills.

See MoneyHelper: Guide to benefit sanctions.

If you start earning more

Hardship payment deductions should be paused if you earn above your 'earnings threshold'.

Your earnings threshold is what you need to earn to avoid conditions as part of your UC claim.

These deductions should stop permanently if you earn more than this amount for 6 months.

If deductions do not pause or stop, leave a message in your UC journal. Or call the universal credit helpline on 0800 328 5644.

Benefit or tax credit overpayments

Most benefit and tax credit overpayments have to be paid back even if:

  • the DWP or HMRC made a mistake

  • the overpayments were not your fault

  • you did not know you were being paid too much

If you have other UC deductions it can take a long time to pay off these debts. This is because most other deductions are higher up the priority order.

You might be overpaid other benefits or tax credits when you move onto UC. If this happens, let the DWP know about the overpayment. You might still have to pay it back.

If you cannot afford these deductions, call DWP debt management on 0800 916 0647.

When to get benefits advice

Get benefits advice if you think the DWP, HMRC or a housing benefit office are wrong about:

  • benefit or tax credits overpayments

  • deductions from your universal credit

An adviser could help challenge a decision.

When to get debt advice

Get debt advice if you're struggling with money.

The breathing space scheme pauses some deductions and other debt repayments while you get help.

Ask a debt adviser about breathing space.

If your benefit is sanctioned

Other deductions might pause for a time. For example, if there is not enough money left in your standard allowance to pay back an advance or other debts.

If this happens, other deductions restart when the sanction ends.

Find out about money help if your UC is sanctioned.

Last updated: 19 December 2024