Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
Advice on finding a site, pitch or mooring, eviction and homeless help.
Specialist advice and support
These charities offer specialist advice and support for Gypsy, Roma or Traveller communities.
Advice in other languages for Roma people
Advice on the EU settlement scheme for the Roma community
By phone or email
0330 223 5336
Advice in Romanes and other community languages
Roma Support Group
For the Roma community in London
Advice in person or by phone
Appointments (Polski) 07903 883748
Appointments (Romanian) 07366 502575
Advice in Romanes and other community languages
Legal advice
Community Law Partnership Travellers Advice Team
0121 685 8595
Legal advice for Gypsies and Travellers living in caravans and for liveaboard boaters
National Bargee Travellers Association
Free membership for liveaboard boaters
Advice, casework and campaigning for members' rights
Online advice and helplines
Friends, Families and Travellers
01273 234 777
Monday to Friday (except bank holidays), 10am to 4.30pm
Online advice and helpline for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
The Traveller Movement
For Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
Online information including health, family, education, LGBTQ+, hate crime and the police
Services in London
London Gypsies & Travellers
Accommodation and advocacy service for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller families living in houses, legal sites and unauthorised encampments in London
Campaigns focused on equality, inclusion and challenging discrimination
Lewisham Irish Community Centre
For Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in Lewisham
Advice on homelessness, housing and benefits
Last updated: 8 July 2024