Help if you’re homeless: veterans
Get help on the Veterans' Gateway helpline on 0808 802 1212.
Search their veteran support directory for organisation who can help.
Open 8am to 8pm every day, including weekends.
If you're at risk of homelessness or rough sleeping, you can get help finding a place to stay from:
Veterans Aid on 0800 012 6867
Royal British Legion on 0808 802 8080
Op Fortitude on 0800 952 0774
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) on 0800 260 6767
These housing associations have longer term housing:
Stoll - housing and helping veterans
Haig Housing - homes for the veteran community
Private renting
Get help with a deposit or rent in advance.
Ask the council for homeless help
6 months before you leave the forces, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) gives you a Certificate of Cessation of Entitlement.
You can ask the council for help with housing if you could be homeless. Make sure you show them your certificate.
The council should accept the date in the certificate as the date you will be homeless from if you have nowhere to move to.
What the council should do
8 weeks before the date in the certificate the council must:
This sets out the steps that you and the council follow to help you find somewhere to live.
You can stay in forces accommodation beyond the date on the certificate if you have nowhere to go.
The MOD gives you a 93 day notice to vacate if you stay on. Show this notice to the council as soon as you get it and ask for help with housing.
Emergency and longer term housing
You should get emergency housing if the council thinks you are in priority need.
Find out who can get longer term housing.
What is priority need?
You're in priority need for housing if you:
have dependent children who live with you
are pregnant or have a pregnant partner who you live with
are under 21 and spent time in care when you were 16 or 17
You also have a priority need if you are vulnerable.
Tell the council if you have:
a disability or other serious health problems
struggled to find somewhere to live since leaving the forces
Show the council your medical history release form if you have one.
Apply for council housing
You could apply for a council or housing association home. It can take a long time to get this type of housing.
You can apply to get on any council's housing register if you:
are or were in the armed forces
have to leave the armed forces housing because of a relationship breakdown
You must get extra priority on the waiting list if you're homeless or about to be homeless and either:
you served in the regular armed forces
you're still in the regular or reserve forces and are seriously injured, ill or disabled because of your service
You should also get extra priority on the waiting list if you have to:
move because of a medical condition
leave service family accommodation (SFA) because your husband, wife or civil partner died in service
Help with your rent and living costs
You could get the universal credit housing element to help with rent.
You apply for housing benefit if you stay in a hostel or other supported or temporary housing.
Find out where to get grants and emergency help with food and other costs.
Veterans UK helpline 0808 1914 218
Open 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Run by the Ministry of Defence.
They offer advice on war disablement pensions and the armed forces compensation scheme.
Last updated: 13 January 2025