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What's new on Shelter Legal

The pages on Shelter Legal are updated regularly to reflect changes in the law.

This page lists the most recent updates to Shelter Legal.

  • Complaints to the Housing Ombudsman Service

    27 September 2024

    This page has been reviewed and updated, including additional information about when a professional can complain to the Housing Ombudsman on behalf of a tenant.

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  • Secure tenancy notice seeking possession

    24 September 2024

    A landlord can serve a notice on a secure tenant to start the possession process using a ground for possession.

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  • Court orders at a possession hearing

    12 September 2024

    At a possession hearing, the court decides whether to make a possession order, adjourn the claim, or dismiss the claim.

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  • Tenant's defence and counterclaim process

    11 September 2024

    This new page explains how a tenant can defend a possession claim and counterclaim against a landlord to avoid a possession order.

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  • Tenant defences to possession

    11 September 2024

    A tenant's defence to a landlord's possession claim could include defects in proceedings, discrimination, human rights, and counterclaims for damages.

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  • Tenant's rights when a landlord is repossessed

    9 September 2024

    This page has been updated with information about when a freeholder takes possession against a mesne tenant leaseholder, putting a resident tenant at risk of losing their home.

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  • Assignment of a tenancy

    29 August 2024

    This updated page covers when a tenant can transfer their tenancy to another person using an assignment by deed.

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  • Mutual exchange for social tenancies

    29 August 2024

    This new page explains when a social housing tenant can exchange by assigning their tenancy to another tenant.

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  • Section 8 notices

    27 August 2024

    A landlord can serve a notice using section 8 of the Housing Act 1988 to end an assured or assured shorthold tenancy on a ground for possession.

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  • Statutory rules for rent increases for assured tenants

    22 August 2024

    Section 13 of the Housing Act 1988 allows a landlord to raise the rent on a periodic assured or assured shorthold tenancy by giving the tenant a notice of increase in the prescribed form. A tenant who disagrees with the rent increase can refer the notice of increase to the First-tier Tribunal. The Tribunal might make a decision some time after the notice period expires. In Alexander & Anor v Middleton [2024] UKUT 182 (LC), the Upper Tribunal held events that happen after the date the new rent was due to start should not affect the calculation.

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