Find out what kind of queries our Specialist Debt Advice Service (SDAS) can help you with, and read our guide on how to submit a good enquiry.
The SDAS can offer:
advice and support with complex enquiries
a second opinion
tactics on how to approach a case or creditor
clarification on new laws
supported casework, where capacity permits
How to submit a good enquiry
Your enquiry should include a specific question in relation to a specific client case. More general enquiries should be raised on advice forums, such as Wiseradviser for technical issues, and the IMA for non-technical issues.
Highlight any key dates or relevant deadlines.
Don’t copy and paste your entire case notes into the enquiry.
Attach only the relevant documents and, remember, they must be redacted of all information which may identify your client, or we won’t be able to accept them.
Quote the case reference number if your enquiry relates to a previous query.
Keep your enquiry as concise and relevant as possible.
Before you get in touch
Before you access the service, refer to your usual resources like the DRO A-Z, DRO Toolkit, Advisernet, CPAG handbooks, and consult with your colleagues or supervisor.
Our advice should only be used for the benefit of your client when assisting them with their debts. If your query forms part of a housing application, for example, we would ask that our advice does not inform your decision.
If you contact us by phone, please do not have your client present unless unavoidable. Our advice should be used to support you with your case. It may not be appropriate for your client to be aware of the advice we provide.
In some instances, we may not agree with your definition of urgent. For example, an impending client appointment would not be an urgent issue.
We have a comprehensive list of FAQs if you need any more information about the service: