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Debt case law summaries

Debt case law summaries give an overview of important court decisions in breathing space, enforcement, housing debt, and more.

Cases by category

Breathing Space

Breathing space and mental health crisis moratoriums are available under the Debt Respite Scheme Regulations to prevent enforcement of eligible debts.

Axnoller Events Ltd v Brake and another (Costs)

An order for unliquidated costs was a contingent liability and was not a qualifying debt for the purposes of a debt respite mental health crisis moratorium.

Axnoller Events Ltd v Brake (mental health crisis moratorium) (Rev1)

Breathing Space additional debt procedure extended to debts incurred before moratorium but unknown at the time of the moratorium application.

Bluestone Mortgages Ltd v Stoute

Mortgage capital not a qualifying debt in a breathing space moratorium.

Brake and another v Guy and others

The High Court granted a creditor's application for permission to enforce a third party debt order during a mental health crisis moratorium.

Carter v Davies

The court can refuse to annul a bankruptcy order based on a debt subject to a breathing space moratorium.

Guy v Brake

The High Court made directions to submit medical evidence for a mental health crisis moratorium following a creditor application to cancel.

IV Fund Limited SAC v Mountain

The High Court cancelled a mental health crisis moratorium on the ground of unfair prejudice due to insufficient medical evidence.

Kaye v Lees

A creditor who paid an outstanding mortgage to comply with a court order was subrogated to the mortgage lender’s right to recover the debt.

Kaye v Lees (2)

Mental health crisis moratorium cancelled as the debtor did not meet the criteria.

Kaye v Lees (3)

The High Court refused to extend an injunction that prevented the debtor applying for a further moratorium under the Debt Respite Scheme Regulations.

Lees v Kaye

Eviction and sale of a debtor's property declared ‘null and void’ under the Debt Respite Scheme.

Seculink Ltd v Forbes

The court can determine if a debt is a qualifying debt in a breathing space.

Seculink v Forbes 2

The principal sum due under a secured debt is not a qualifying debt in a breathing space moratorium.

West One Loan v Salih

The County Court granted an injunction to the claimant to prevent joint borrowers of a secured loan from applying for a breathing space moratorium.

Yianni v Paliouras

The High Court allowed a bankruptcy petition to proceed during a breathing space moratorium.

Consumer credit

The Consumer Credit Act 1974 regulates consumer borrowing like bank loans, credit cards, and hire purchase agreements.

Doyle v PRA Group (UK) Ltd 

The limitation period in Consumer Credit Act cases started to run after the expiry of the default notice served on the borrower.

Goodinson v PRA Group Ltd

Secondary evidence can be sufficient when assessing if a compliant default notice has been created and sent to the debtor.

PRA Group v Holmes

The judge refused to stay the claimant's claim to allow them to comply with the defendant's request for information under s.78 Consumer Credit Act 1974.

Court procedures

The Civil Procedure Rules and other court rules govern claims, defences, and applications to court.

Barton v Wright Hassall LLP

A claimant can only serve a claim by email with the agreement of the defendant, with no special allowance for litigants in person.

Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council

A court can stay proceedings and order parties to take part in alternative dispute resolution (ADR).

Conway v Conway

A verbal agreement to transfer land is enforceable in the court through specific performance, and refusal to mediate can impact costs.

Daly v Ryan 

Dismissal of a late application to set aside a default judgment under CPR 3.6 after considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Denton v White

Courts must apply a three-stage test when dealing with applications under CPR 3.9 for relief from sanctions.

Dusoruth v Orca Finance UK Ltd

Bankruptcy annulment application dismissed despite creditor’s petition based on an unliquidated debt.

FXF v English Karate Federation Ltd & Anor

The three-stage Denton test applies to all applications to set aside a default judgment under CPR 13.3.

Gostelow v Hussain

The procedure for applying for possession and sale of a bankrupt’s home.

Ince Gordon Dadds LLP v Mellitah Oil and Gas

The High Court refused to exercise its discretion to set aside a default judgment after it held that the Denton principles applied.

Ivanchev v Velli

A claim form served in a multi occupancy building was not served at the defendant’s usual or last known residence as required by the Civil Procedure Rules.

Loson v Stack

The creditors’ right to enforce a judgment outweighed the debtor’s offer to pay by instalments when the payments would not clear the debt in a reasonable time.

Madison CF UK (118118 Money) v Various

Failure to give notices of sums in arrears counts as 'exceptional circumstances' to set aside a County Court judgment.

Marla International v Ready4s

Application to set aside only part of a default judgment resulted in variation of the original order.

Matthew (Appellants) v Sedman (Respondent)

Where a cause of action accrues at, or on the expiry of midnight, the day immediately following should be included in calculating the limitation period.

Notting Hill Finance Ltd v Sheikh

The defendant borrower could still raise new arguments during the appeal against a possession order or in the application to set it aside.

Reed v Boswell

Claimant litigant in person ordered to pay £17,500 costs order on the small claims track for ‘unreasonable behaviour’ following a claim based on dishonesty and fraud.

Stanley v London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Postal service of a claim form on the defendants office during Covid-19 lockdown was a good reason to set aside judgment and grant relief from sanction.

Terry v BCS Corporate Acceptances Ltd and others

The correct approach for dealing with applications to set aside judgments obtained through fraud.


A creditor can enforce a debt by applying for a writ or warrant of control, a charging order, an attachment of earnings, or a third party debt order.

Bone v Williamson

A claimant can pursue a dispute about fees against a High Court Enforcement Officer or its agent.

Brake v Guy and others

A creditor can use a third-party debt order to enforce a judgment debt against a debtor's personal pension entitlement.

Burton v Ministry of Justice

A judgment creditor can be ordered to pay damages for losses suffered by the debtor as a result of breaches by an enforcement agent when taking control of goods.

Consulting Concepts International Inc v Consumer Protection Association

The cause of action for limitation purposes accrues when the work is done or the services are provided, not when a bill is given.

Just Digital Marketplace v HCEOA

An enforcement agent could make a valid controlled goods agreement with a debtor via video call without physically entering the premises where the goods were located.

Lindsay v O'Loughnane

A creditor might be able to enforce a judgment debt against a debtor's personal pension, and a court could order payment of the entirety of the pension(s) to be paid to the creditor, not just the tax-free lump sum.

Manolete Partners v White

The court cannot make an order preventing the debtor from receiving the benefit of their occupational pension.

Progressive Property Ventures LLP v Mrozinski

Fees and disbursements of an enforcement agent disallowed as the debtor was vulnerable and should have been given more time to seek advice.

Timson, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

The DWP's 'third party deductions' guidance is unlawful because a decision-maker must give the claimant the opportunity to provide information before a decision is made.

365 Business Finance v Bellagio Hospitality WB

The issue of a first writ of control takes priority over the second writ of control that has been issued.

Housing debt

Mortgage and rent arrears cases, council tax, affordability in local authority homelessness decisions.

Allen v Webster

Beneficial interest involves financial contributions and common intention, and crystallises when the common intention changes.

DV-W v Cheshire West and Chester Council

A tenant is not liable for council tax for the day their tenancy agreement ends unless they have a material interest in the property.

Leeds City Council v Broadley

Tenants with fixed term or contractual periodic tenancies are liable for council tax until the tenancy is formally ended or new occupiers move in.

Royal Borough of Kingston-Upon-Thames v Moss

The landlord council was a water reseller so the tenant was entitled to a refund for overpaid water charges.

Samuels v Birmingham City Council

Reasonable living expenses and the correct approach to assessing affordability in homelessness decisions.

Southern and District Finance v Barnes

The Court of Appeal set out a test to apply when deciding whether to make a time order in response to a mortgage lender's possession claim.

Waller-Edwards v One Savings Bank

A joint mortgage does not automatically put a mortgage lender on notice of undue influence.


Bankruptcy, debt relief orders and individual voluntary arrangements are all forms of personal insolvency.

Addison v London European Securities Ltd

When property is personal to a client made bankrupt and not for the benefit of the bankruptcy estate.

Fowlds v Bucknall

Effects of an income payments agreement on a bankrupt debtor and their estranged wife under the definition of 'family' in the insolvency legislation.

HMRC v De Freitas

A creditor’s failure to comply with it’s obligations under the Equality Act 2010 be grounds for dismissal of a bankruptcy petition.

Horton v Henry

A trustee in bankruptcy has no right to compel a bankrupt to draw funds from their pension to pay bankruptcy debts or fees.

Islandsbanki HF v Stanford

An unsatisfied writ for a foreign judgment was not execution under the Insolvency Act 1986 and could not be the basis of a bankruptcy petition.

Khan v Singh-Sall (trustee in bankruptcy of Mohammad Razi Khan) and another

The court has a broad discretion to consider all relevant circumstances when deciding whether to annul a bankruptcy, and time continues to run for limitation purposes for the period between bankruptcy and annulment orders.

Khan v Singh-Sall (2)

The court has jurisdiction to make a bankruptcy order even if a debt is in dispute.

Little Miracles v Oliver

The High Court held a judgment following a Tomlin Order is a contingent debt included in the debtor's bankruptcy.

Lock v Aylesbury Vale District Council

The court has discretion to set aside a bankruptcy order where it serves no useful purpose to a local authority.

Magan v Wilton Management Ltd

A bankrupt’s application to annul a bankruptcy order, and the merits of the application.

Malik v Messalti

A valid trust deed to transfer property was deemed a transaction to defraud future creditors.

Mehers v Khilji

The three-year limit for a trustee to deal with the family home can be extended if the bankrupt did not disclose their interest.

Nortel Companies & Ors, Re

Bankruptcy includes liabilities that exist before the date of bankruptcy.

Office of the Bankruptcy Adjudicator v Shaw

Accessible pension funds with sufficient value must be taken into account when considering whether a debtor meets the insolvency test.

Reid-Roberts v Lin

An order for sale in bankruptcy can be delayed in exceptional circumstances.

Robertson v Wojakovski

A debtor's application to adjourn the bankruptcy petition to get more time to pay the petition debt was unsuccessful.

Sunset Properties v Al-Hindi

Landlord’s bankruptcy petition dismissed due to a failure to provide an address for service of notices.  

Cases by name



Addison v London European Securities Ltd

Allen v Webster

Axnoller Events Ltd v Brake and another (Costs)

Axnoller Events Ltd v Brake (mental health crisis moratorium) (Rev1)


Barton v Wright Hassall LLP

Bluestone Mortgages Ltd v Stoute

Bone v Williamson

Brake v Guy and others

Brake and another v Guy and others

Burton v Ministry of Justice


Carter v Davies

Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council

Consulting Concepts International Inc v Consumer Protection Association

Conway v Conway


Daly v Ryan

Denton v White

Doyle v PRA Group (UK) Ltd 

Dusoruth v Orca Finance UK Ltd

DV-W v Cheshire West and Chester Council


Fowlds v Bucknall

FXF v English Karate Federation Ltd & Anor


Goodinson v PRA Group Ltd

Gostelow v Hussain

Guy v Brake


HMRC v De Freitas

Horton v Henry


Ince Gordon Dadds LLP v Mellitah Oil and Gas

Islandsbanki HF v Stanford

IV Fund Limited SAC v Mountain

Ivanchev v Velli


Just Digital Marketplace v HCEOA


Kaye v Lees

Kaye v Lees (2)

Kaye v Lees (3)

Khan v Singh-Sall (trustee in bankruptcy of Mohammad Razi Khan) and another

Khan v Singh-Sall (2)


Leeds City Council v Broadley

Lees v Kaye

Little Miracles v Oliver

Lindsay v O'Loughnane

Lock v Aylesbury Vale District Council

Loson v Stack


Madison CF UK (118118 Money) v Various

Magan v Wilton Management Ltd

Malik v Messalti

Manolete Partners v White

Marla International v Ready4s

Matthew (Appellants) v Sedman (Respondent)

Mehers v Khilji


Nortel Companies & Ors, Re

Notting Hill Finance Ltd v Sheikh


Office of the Bankruptcy Adjudicator v Shaw


PRA Group v Holmes

Progressive Property Ventures LLP v Mrozinski


Reed v Boswell

Reid-Roberts v Lin

Robertson v Wojakovski

Royal Borough of Kingston-Upon-Thames v Moss


Seculink Ltd v Forbes

Seculink v Forbes 2

Southern and District Finance v Barnes

Stanley v London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Sunset Properties v Al-Hindi


Terry v BCS Corporate Acceptances Ltd and others

Timson, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions


Waller-Edwards v One Savings Bank

West One Loan v Salih


Yianni v Paliouras


365 Business Finance v Bellagio Hospitality WB