Policy Library
Policy, research and good practice work forms a major part of Shelter's efforts to address and find solutions for homelessness and housing issues.
Response: Pay to Stay consultation
Response: Pay to Stay consultation - Shelter England
Published: 1 September 2012
Response: Business Rates Retention
Response: Business Rates Retention - Shelter England
Published: 1 September 2012
Briefing: Rewarding Rogues?
Briefing: Rewarding Rogues? - Shelter England
Published: 1 September 2012
Response: Discretionary Housing Payments good practice manual
Response: Discretionary Housing Payments good practice manual - Shelter England
Published: 1 August 2012
Response: Homelessness (suitability) consultation
Response: Homelessness (suitability) consultation - Shelter England
Published: 1 August 2012
Response: SSAC universal credit consultation
Response: SSAC universal credit consultation - Shelter England
Published: 1 August 2012
Response to Revised London Plan
Response to Revised London Plan - Shelter England
Published: 1 August 2012
The affordability of private renting for families claiming local housing allowance
The affordability of private renting for families claiming local housing allowance - Shelter England
Published: 1 July 2012
Report: Understanding Supply Constraints in the Housing Market
Report: Understanding Supply Constraints in the Housing Market - Shelter England
Published: 1 July 2012
Creating a tenancy strategy suitable for your area
Creating a tenancy strategy suitable for your area - Shelter England
Published: 1 July 2012