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Search for more running events

By signing up for a new running challenge with our event partners, you'll be raising money to support people experiencing homelessness or unsafe housing.

Sign up to run for us through our event partners

Are you looking for your next sports challenge? Our event partners offer a range of exciting fitness events for you to choose from, including half marathons, triathlons and swim challenges.

Select Shelter as your chosen charity and push yourself to the limit while making a difference in the fight against homelessness.

What happens after I've signed up?

A Hackney Half marathon runner wearing a Shelter vest wearing glasses looking straight at the camera in 2022
  • after you've registered for an event on Find a Race, Run for Charity or Let's Do This and chosen Shelter as your charity to support, your details will be shared with us

  • we'll email you with training tips and fundraising advice – to help you get ready for your event and smash your fundraising target

  • our dedicated team will also be on hand to answer any questions, and you'll receive a Shelter running vest to wear on the day! 

It was the most amazing experience you will ever have, and the Shelter Team will look after you very well.

Peter Jordan

All our fundraisers get the best from us, including:

  • a Shelter technical running top

  • training plans created by our partners GH Training

  • personal trainer support

  • fundraising advice from the Shelter running team

We can't fight the housing emergency without your help

A Black woman running a race in a Shelter vest

From families trapped in hotel rooms to renters made homeless by no-fault evictions, we stand with those at the sharp end of the housing emergency.

Thanks to fundraisers like you, last year we supported 15,975 households through our emergency helpline and 12,203 through our local hubs.

We also tackle the root causes of homelessness, campaigning for renters' rights and demanding more social housing. Together, we can create housing justice.

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about running for Shelter, please email us at