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Free legal advice if you have a housing problem

Who can get free legal help?

Anyone at risk of losing their home can get:

  • early legal advice

  • help at a court possession hearing

This advice and help is free. Your income does not matter.

Get help as soon as possible.

You can do more to keep your home if you get advice early.

Who can get legal aid?

You might get legal aid if you get benefits or have a low income.

Legal aid can help with serious housing problems like:

  • eviction or being told to leave

  • repossession by a mortgage lender

  • getting homeless help from the council

  • living somewhere damp, overcrowded or unsafe

Free family law advice

Family law covers things like domestic abuse, relationship breakdown, the family home and where your children will live.

Find out where to get free family law advice.

Last updated: 17 July 2024

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