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How to get your deposit back

How long for a deposit refund?

You could get your deposit back as soon as you and your landlord have agreed on the amount.

This could be the same day as the inspection if there are no problems.

But usually it takes a few days.

Your landlord or agent might say they want to keep some of your deposit. They should give the rest of your money back.

Getting part of your deposit back does not mean that you agree your landlord should keep the rest of your money. You can still challenge unfair deductions.

Letter template: Ask for a deposit refund

Write to your landlord or letting agent to ask for your deposit back if it's more than a week since you moved out.

You can use our letter template.

[Use the subject: Return of my deposit]

I'm the former tenant of [your previous address].

I'm contacting you about the refund of my tenancy deposit.

My tenancy ended on [tenancy end date].

The property has been left in good order and the rent was fully paid.

Please refund the full £xxx within 10 days of receiving this email.

You can also download the letter template to send an attachment or letter:

When to contact a deposit protection scheme

The scheme providers could help if:

  • you cannot agree the return of your deposit with your landlord

  • the landlord does not reply to your email

Check which deposit scheme protects your money if you are not sure.

Find out if your landlord has used a:

  • custodial scheme

  • insurance scheme

Custodial schemes

The scheme has your money.

Use your online account to ask for your deposit back from the scheme. The scheme contacts your landlord to check they agree.

The scheme offers free dispute resolution if you cannot agree on the return of your deposit.

How to get your deposit back from a custodial scheme

Start the process on your scheme provider's website:

You can ask for a full refund if it has been at least 2 weeks since the tenancy ended and either:

  • you have no way of contacting the landlord

  • you wrote and asked for your deposit back over 2 weeks ago and have not had a reply

Insurance schemes

Your landlord or agent keeps your deposit while you live in the property.

If they agree to return it, you should not need to contact the scheme.

They should pay your deposit to you in a reasonable time.

Your landlord can refund your money by bank transfer, in cash or by cheque. Let them know what suits you best.

Contact the scheme if the landlord does not reply or refund your money within 10 days of you asking for it back.

Last updated: 9 May 2024