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Tell us about your organisation's fundraising event

If you're an organisation, team, or group organising your own fundraising event, please enter your details below and we’ll be in touch to find out how we can support you.

If you're an individual and would like to host your own fundraising event, please get in touch with us here instead.

Fundraising form for organisations

Before we start, we need to double check you are over the age of 18. If you’re under 18, please ask a parent or guardian to contact us on your behalf.

About your organisation

Your event

Challenge yourself and set a target to aim for. Don’t worry, you can change this at any time later.

Your free fundraising pack

You’ll receive your free fundraising pack via email. You can also opt in to get one in the post (optional)

Shelter's fundraising agreement and collector conduct policy

Please read our fundraising agreement.

Tick below to confirm:

Please read our collector conduct policy.

Tick below to confirm:
Want to be kept updated on our work, campaigns, fundraising activities, events, volunteering opportunities, and products and services? Please tick below:

You can change your preferences at any time by giving us a call on 0300 330 1234, or emailing If you've already told us you want to receive updates, we'll keep contacting you in the same ways. And don't worry – although Shelter, Shelter Scotland and Shelter Trading activities will use your details, we will never pass them on to third parties for marketing. Read our privacy policy for more details.