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Updates, insights and impact

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Celebrating our biggest campaigning wins

Shelter is proud to campaign alongside the rest of the housing movement to defend the right to a safe home. We make sure those in power sit up and listen.

Updates and impact

Published: 8 August 2023

Author: Andrew Soar

Celebrating our biggest campaigning wins

Operation Warm Welcome: government tells thousands of Afghan refugees to leave their emergency accommodation

Having failed to help almost half of the families find a settled home under Operation Warm Welcome, the government has told over 8,000 Afghan families and individuals that they must leave by the end of August.

Updates and impact

Published: 27 July 2023

Author: Sophie Earnshaw

Operation Warm Welcome: government tells thousands of Afghan refugees to leave their emergency accommodation

Social Housing (Regulation) Act: Royal Assent must kick off a transformation in social housing

Today, the long-awaited Social Housing (Regulation) Act received Royal Assent and became law.  This legislation is the legacy of the 72 people, including 18 children, who died in summer 2017 as a resu...

Research and insights

Published: 20 July 2023

Author: Deborah Garvie

Social Housing (Regulation) Act: Royal Assent must kick off a transformation in social housing

Record homelessness is a political choice

The number of households homeless in temporary accommodation (TA) has now hit a record high

Updates and impact

Published: 7 July 2023

Author: Charlie Berry

Record homelessness is a political choice

NIMBYs, YIMBYs, £7.7 billion profit and still hardly any social housing

New developments must contain many more social homes. Support our campaign and sign the petition to build more social housing.

Updates and impact

Published: 9 June 2023

Author: Andrew Soar

NIMBYs, YIMBYs, £7.7 billion profit and still hardly any social housing

Nowhere left to go for private renters receiving housing benefit

Shocking new analysis shows the severe lack of private rentals in England that are affordable for low-income renters receiving housing benefit.

Research and insights

Published: 6 June 2023

Author: Charlie Berry

Nowhere left to go for private renters receiving housing benefit

Home is a human right

Every family deserves a home, somewhere they can feel safe and thrive. But for over 275,000 families in England without a home this is not the case.

Updates and impact

Published: 16 May 2023

Author: Guest blog

Home is a human right

Scrapping Section 21: the promise we’re still waiting for

Four years ago today on 15 April 2019, the then-Secretary of State for Housing, James Brokenshire, announced that the government would abolish Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions. We had been campaigning ...

Updates and impact

Published: 14 April 2023

Author: Jenny Lamb

Scrapping Section 21: the promise we’re still waiting for

New Shelter research uncovers why the use of temporary accommodation must end

Our new research shows that temporary accommodation is trapping people in poverty. Steering group member Rebecca shares her story.

Research and insights

Published: 9 March 2023

Author: Martha Schofield

New Shelter research uncovers why the use of temporary accommodation must end

Why a landlord register is good for tenants and landlords

A public landlord register would give tenants peace of mind, allow good landlords to show their credentials and help local authorities enforce tenants' rights.

Updates and impact

Published: 3 March 2023

Author: Vanessa Vaughan

Why a landlord register is good for tenants and landlords