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Rent increases for private tenants

Ask a tribunal to set the rent

A tribunal is like a court but a bit less formal.

The tribunal sets a new rent after looking at information from you and your landlord.

Going to a tribunal is free. You do not have to pay your landlord's costs even if you lose.

There is a different process if you're a regulated tenant with a fair rent.

Try to negotiate first

For example, you could tell your landlord if:

You can ask a tribunal to set a new rent if you and your landlord cannot agree.

When you can apply

You can apply to a tribunal if your landlord gives you a section 13 notice.

Check the section 13 notice for the date when the new rent starts.

You have to apply before this date.

Your landlord could still give you a section 21 notice if you apply to a tribunal.

Check local private rents

The tribunal has to set a 'market rent'.

They do this by looking at similar private rented homes in your area.

The new rent could be the same, lower or higher than what the landlord asked for.

Check tribunal decisions

You can look at previous tribunal decisions on GOV.UK

Type 'assured shorthold tenancy' into the search for decisions about your type of tenancy.

How to apply

Form rents 1 is on GOV.UK

You need to download and fill in the form.

Send it to your tribunal regional office with a copy of the section 13 notice.

You can find the address at the end of the form.

Tribunal hearings

There will only be a hearing if you or your landlord ask for one.

In a lot of cases the tribunal will just look at:

  • local market rents for similar properties

  • information provided by you and the landlord

Inspections by the tribunal

The tribunal can inspect the property if you or your landlord ask them to.

They can look at the condition of the property. Tell them about any damp or repairs needed.

The tribunal decision and the new rent

The tribunal sets the new rent for your tenancy.

The new rent normally has to be paid from the date in the section 13 notice.

This may mean you owe the landlord money.

Tell the tribunal if this will cause you money problems. They may say the new rent will apply from the date of their decision instead.

Appealing a tribunal decision

You could challenge a first tier tribunal decision by appealing to the upper tribunal.

You normally need specialist advice to do this.

Last updated: 8 July 2024

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