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Donate now to support women like Katie facing the unfair housing system alone

£46 could fund two webchats for people facing homelessness so they know their rights

Last year, 20,240 women were made homeless due to domestic abuse.

This number is shocking, but behind every one is the story of a woman who has been forced into an impossible situation. 

Access to an alternative safe and affordable home is a lifeline for survivors of domestic abuse. It empowers them to make the decision to leave their abuser. Without this lifeline, survivors can be stuck homeless in temporary accommodation for long periods, unable to start rebuilding their lives. 

Katie is a survivor of domestic abuse. After fleeing her abusive partner, the council placed her in unsafe temporary accommodation where she had no privacy or security. She didn't eat or sleep properly. Her room had a tiny sink and a broken fridge-freezer. She had to share the kitchen and laundry facilities with strangers. Men she didn't recognise came and went, triggering unwelcome responses and memories. Even though the accommodation was crowded, she felt entirely alone.

Domestic abuse is a housing issue, a growing emergency – and now the third biggest driver of homelessness in England. 

With your generous support, we can help survivors to navigate a broken housing system and find the confidence to rebuild their lives.

When we all stand together, no one stands alone. Your support makes a real difference to the lives of women who have escaped abuse.

Donate today, and together we can help more women like Katie finally find home.


We exist to defend the right to a safe home, because home is everything. The fight to end the housing emergency starts here.

How we help

We campaign tirelessly to fight the devastating impact the housing emergency has on people and society. And we give support and advice to millions of people facing homelessness or experiencing unfit and unsafe housing.

Last year:

  • 15,975 households received support from our emergency helpline

  • 12,203 households came to our local hubs for support

  • 12,900 households who sought help saw a positive change in their housing situation

How you fuel the fight for home

We couldn't do this without you. For every £1 you donate:

  • 79p is spent directly on helping people through advice, support and campaigning

  • 21p is spent on fundraising

Your donation won't be restricted to a single project but will be used wherever it's needed most to help those fighting for their right to a safe home.

Pie chart showing that 79% of donations is spent directly on helping people and 21% is spent on fundraising.

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