Your donations make a difference
A family can become homeless in an instant
Right now, thousands of people are urgently trying to just get through this winter without a safe place to call home. They’re trapped in cold, damp, unfit accommodation, fighting to keep a roof over their family’s heads. Or in dirty hostels, sleeping in cars, tents or on sofas.
Together, over the last 20 years of our partnership with Nationwide, we’ve changed the lives of more than 100,000 people facing homelessness. With your help, we could support even more people without a safe and secure home.

Our country’s housing emergency is spiralling
Every four minutes, even as you read this, another household becomes homeless. Sadly, things are only set to get worse. More people than ever now live in daily fear of losing their home. Calls to our emergency helpline are increasing. We must act now.
For someone at risk of homelessness, a call to our helpline can be the difference between someone finding emergency accommodation and spending a night on the freezing streets.

Donate now
You could help answer the next call from someone facing homelessness.
Your donation won’t be restricted to a single project but will be used wherever it’s needed most to help those fighting for their right to a safe home.
We're here for everyone, but only with your help
We exist to defend the right to a safe home, because home is everything. The fight to end the housing emergency starts here.
How we help
No one needs to face homelessness or unsafe housing alone. Last year over five million people turned to Shelter for advice.
How you fuel the fight for home
We couldn't do this without you. For every £1 you donate:
79p is spent directly on helping people through advice, support and campaigning
21p is spent on fundraising