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Donate today and join our movement for change

£25 could help pay for an emergency call with a Shelter adviser

Donate to Shelter this summer

Continued support enables us to defend the rights of people facing homelessness, demand long-term solutions and hold those in power to account. Together we can fight for an end to housing injustice. Donate again today.

Our staff and clients know how much impact supporters like you could make.

Every day, expert advisers in our hubs advocate for people at the sharp end of the housing emergency.

Chris, who made the journey out of homelessness with support from our Sheffield hub, explains:

'All my caseworkers have really catered to me as an individual. They have all the background. We come together to work through the problems.'

Thanks to supporters like you, our emergency helpline advised over 15,000 callers last year – people facing eviction or escaping domestic abuse.

Lizzie, a helpline adviser, shares how being part of Shelter's mission makes her feel:

'The most difficult aspect of this role for me is listening to people's heart-breaking stories. In some cases, people are facing multiple hardships. I'm very proud to be working for Shelter, knowing that I'm empowering people and helping them through their situation.'

From the corridors of Westminster to local grassroots activism, your generosity fuels campaigns for long-term solutions.

Musurut, a Senior Community Organiser, highlights the impact of community-led movements like the Birmingham Fair Housing Campaign:

'There are far too many people in our city affected by the housing emergency, but by working collaboratively, real change is possible.'

Thank you for bringing us closer to ending the housing emergency.

Donate and stand with us to defend the right to a safe home.


We exist to defend the right to a safe home, because home is everything. The fight to end the housing emergency starts here.

How we help

No one needs to face unfit housing or homelessness alone. Last year over 5 million people turned to Shelter for advice.

  • 15,975 households received support from our emergency helpline

  • 12,203 households came to our local hubs in England for support

  • 12,900 households who sought help saw a positive change in their housing situation

How you fuel the fight for home

We couldn't do this without you. For every £1 you donate:

  • 79p is spent directly on helping people through advice, support and campaigning

  • 21p is spent on fundraising

Your donation won't be restricted to a single project but will be used wherever it's needed most to help those fighting for their right to a safe home.

Pie chart showing that 79% of donations is spent directly on helping people and 21% is spent on fundraising.

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