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The housing emergency is devastating millions of lives.

£50 could help complete an application for legal aid funding to help fight a family's case against unlawful eviction

Our frontline services support people experiencing the destructive impact of the housing emergency.

Families are being forced to choose between paying rent and putting food on the table. Children are living in overcrowded and unsuitable temporary accommodation. Families are facing homelessness.

This is unacceptable.

Our emergency helpline is staffed by a team of expert housing advisers providing practical and legal assistance for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We help find emergency accommodation, make homeless applications, or negotiate with landlords or the council on their behalf.

Your support is needed more than ever.

Please donate now.

Donate today and give hope to families facing the housing emergency.

Your donation won't be restricted to a single project but will be used wherever it's needed most to help those fighting for their right to a safe home.


We exist to defend the right to a safe home, because home is everything. The fight to end the housing emergency starts here.

How we help

No one needs to face homelessness or unsafe housing alone. Last year over five million people turned to Shelter for advice.

  • 15,975 households received support from our emergency helpline

  • 12,203 households came to our local hubs in England for support

  • 12,900 households who sought help saw a positive change in their housing situation

How you fuel the fight for home

We couldn't do this without you. For every £1 you donate:

  • 79p is spent directly on helping people through advice, support and campaigning

  • 21p is spent on fundraising

Pie chart showing that 79% of donations is spent directly on helping people and 21% is spent on fundraising.

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