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Adidas Manchester Marathon 2025

  • Manchester
  • 27 April 2025
  • 26.2 miles
  • Registration fee: £29
  • Fundraising pledge: £400
Sign up

The Adidas Manchester Marathon has become a favourite with runners of all abilities and is now the fourth-largest marathon in Europe.

It's famous for the fast, flat route and the incredible atmosphere. Energising cheer stations, musicians and choirs are sure to keep you motivated all the way to the finish line!

When you run for Shelter, you'll be defending the right to a safe, secure and affordable home for everyone.

Already have your own place?

If you've already secured a spot, you can use your place to help create housing justice by running and fundraising for Shelter. We'd love for you to join the team – get in touch below.

Join Team Shelter

Have any questions?

Check our frequently asked questions or get in touch at


Want to help out at this event? Sign up to volunteer.

All our fundraisers get the very best from us, including:

  • a Shelter technical running top

  • training plans created by our running partners Let's Get Running

  • fundraising advice

  • personal trainer support

We can't fight the housing emergency without your help

A Black woman running a race in a Shelter vest

From families trapped in hotel rooms to renters made homeless by no-fault evictions, we stand with those at the sharp end of the housing emergency.

Thanks to fundraisers like you, last year we supported 15,555 households through our emergency helpline and 15,846 through our local hubs.

We also tackle the root causes of homelessness, campaigning for renters' rights and demanding more social housing. Together, we can create housing justice.

Frequently asked questions

How do I fundraise for my event?

We're here to help with any fundraising queries and are more than happy to talk through ideas with you. We recommend starting by setting up a fundraising page on JustGiving.

Our top fundraising ideas include bake sales and pub quizzes. You can find all our fundraising resources here, including our paper sponsorship form.

What happens if I can’t reach my fundraising pledge?

We're here to support you with your fundraising as much as possible. Get in touch by emailing or call us on 0344 515 1190.

Not reaching your sponsorship pledge affects what Shelter can achieve, so please make sure you're confident in reaching this target before signing up to the event.

Raising a minimum fundraising pledge

It's important to raise a minimum fundraising pledge, as we invest in places at charity events. Each place is important to ensure we raise as much as possible to support our vital work.

You can reach your pledge through sponsorship from family, friends and colleagues, plus other forms of fundraising such as bake sales or quizzes.

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A woman runner wearing a Shelter vest approaches the Shelter cheer point, where an Events team member is holding out his hand for a high five.