Home ownership
Information on rights of leaseholders, the right to buy, shared ownership, mortgage arrears and compulsory purchase orders.
Home ownership types and occupation rights
Main forms of ownership for owner-occupied property, and freehold, leasehold and commonhold, the different ways in which land and property can be owned.
Leasehold and commonhold
Position of a person who owns the home on a long lease, and basic rules, rights and charges relating to leasehold.
Shared ownership housing rights
Shared owners pay a proportion of the value of a property in return for a long lease and the right to purchase the remaining share in increments.
Service charges
Service charges are payable by tenants and leaseholders for services, repairs, maintenance, improvements, insurance, or costs of management.
Mortgage debt
Issues arising after falling into arrears with mortgages and the steps borrowers and lenders can take to resolve the situation.
Right to buy
Different schemes that enable tenants of local authorities, housing associations or other private registered providers of social housing (PRPSH) to buy their homes.