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Possession and eviction

Information on all aspects of possession proceedings, including grounds for possession, notice requirements, illegal eviction, and harassment.

This content applies to England
  • Where to get advice about rent and mortgage arrears

    Someone facing eviction due to rent or mortgage arrears can get help from an advice agency, their local authority, and the County Court duty scheme.

  • Possession proceedings process

    To evict a tenant the landlord must follow a three stage process which involves a notice, a court claim for a possession order, and an eviction warrant.

  • Notices in possession proceedings

    Legal requirements that must be satisfied for a notice to be valid when served in relation to ending a tenancy or licence.

  • Section 21 validity checker

    Our section 21 validity checker tool can help you find out if a section 21 notice is invalid.

  • Grounds for possession

    Information on grounds for possession for assured, secure and regulated tenancies.

  • Possession process for rented property

    Procedural rules applicable to repossession of rented properties and the specifics of certain tenancy types.

  • Tenant defences to possession

    A tenant's defence to a landlord's possession claim could include defects in proceedings, discrimination, human rights, and counterclaims for damages.

  • Possession orders

    Court powers to vary, postpone, suspend, set aside or discharge possession orders. The status of a tenancy after a possession order and appealing against it.

  • Eviction warrants and writs

    Procedure for eviction by county court bailiffs or High Court enforcement officers, and the actions tenants can take after eviction.

  • Mortgage possession proceedings

    Procedure for a mortgage lender repossessing a property because of mortgage arrears. The types of court order and what happens after it is granted.

  • Eviction of tenants of mortgage borrowers

    A tenant can ask the court for more time to move out if the landlord's mortgage lender takes possession action for mortgage arrears.

  • Shared ownership arrears and possession

    Shared owners could face possession proceedings if they have unpaid rent, service charges, or mortgage payments.

  • Illegal eviction and harassment

    Occupiers who suffer from harassment and illegal eviction can take steps to protect themselves and rely on the civil and criminal remedies.

  • Eviction of excluded occupiers

    Excluded occupiers can be lawfully evicted without a court order once their tenancy or licence has been brought to an end.

  • Gypsies and Travellers protection from eviction

    Eviction rules depend on whether Gypsies and Travellers are staying on their own land without planning permission, private land or a council site.

  • Eviction of squatters

    Rights of squatters, eviction without a court order, and the procedure for acquiring ownership of the property through adverse possession.

  • Compulsory purchase orders

    Process for compulsory purchase orders by public authorities and how occupiers can claim compensation.