Occupiers with basic protection notice requirements
Landlords must serve a notice to quit (NTQ) on occupiers with basic protection having periodic tenancy, no notice needed at the end of the fixed term tenancy.
Periodic agreements
The landlord must serve a valid notice to quit (NTQ) on an occupier with basic protection who has a periodic agreement. The landlord cannot commence possession proceedings until the notice period has expired.
Fixed-term agreements
Landlords do not need to serve an NTQ on an occupier with basic protection who has a fixed-term agreement once the fixed term expires. The landlord can commence possession proceedings on the expiry of the term.
Break clause
The landlord can only serve a notice to end the agreement during the fixed term if there is a break clause in the agreement. When there is a break clause, the landlord can commence possession proceedings after giving the notice as set out in that clause.
A break clause allowing the landlord to terminate the agreement before the end of the fixed term should also include the option for the tenant to end the agreement early as well, and the notice that the landlord is required to give should not be less than that which the tenant must give.[1] A break clause that gives more rights to the landlord than to the tenant could be an unfair term under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.[2]
Forfeiture clause
An alternative to using a break clause is for a landlord to use a 'forfeiture and re-entry clause'. These clauses also allow landlords to terminate a fixed term early on breach of a term of the tenancy and that term is mentioned in the forfeiture clause.
Rent arrears and debt respite breathing space
Landlords and lenders are prohibited from giving a notice and issuing a claim for possession or from applying for a warrant of eviction on the basis of rent arrears during a breathing space moratorium.
Find out more about breathing space debt moratorium and possession proceedings.
Last updated: 25 March 2022