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Open: Mon to Fri, 8am to 6pm
Closed: weekends and bank holidays

There is a high demand for our webchat service. You could be waiting for over an hour at busy times.

Your chat will be answered unless you are still in the queue at 6pm when the service closes.

Our advisers can help if:

  • you are homeless

  • you have nowhere to stay tonight

  • you are at risk of harm or abuse in your home

  • you are worried about losing your home in the next 2 months

You might not get through if you try to chat with us about other types of housing problem.

We can only advise on housing law in England.

Try Shelter Scotland for advice in Scotland. Try Shelter Cymru for advice in Wales.

Chat with an adviser

Our webchat service can help if you are homeless or at risk of losing your home.

Try our advice pages if you cannot get through or have another type of housing problem.

Report a technical issue with our webchat service.

Professionals and volunteers

Please use our expert housing advice service if you're helping a service user with a housing problem.

Webchat and phone advice: Mon to Fri, 8am to 5pm

Other places to get advice

GOV.UK has advice for private landlords.

Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) has advice for leaseholders.

Advice that helped other people

Looking for something else? See all of our housing advice.