Tenant fees and other costs
Fees charged by landlords and letting agents, and where to get help to pay them.
This content applies to England
Fees a landlord or agent can lawfully charge
Most permitted payments that tenants or licensees can be lawfully charged by landlords and agents are subject to a cap.
Banned tenant fees
Landlords and letting agents must not charge tenants and other relevant persons any fee unless it is a permitted payment.
Rent in advance, deposit and premium fees
Paying for accommodation in the private rented sector may involve payments other than monthly rent, such as rent in advance, deposits, and premiums.
Agency services, charges and regulation
Services provided by accommodation agencies, the rules governing the services that agencies can charge for and the way fees must be publicised.
Help with housing costs
Sources of financial help to pay rent and deposits include nationally and locally administered benefits, assistance schemes and loans.