Debt relief order specialist resources
Expert debt relief order content from Shelter's Specialist Debt Advice Service.
Last updated: 26 May 2022
Apply to hide an address from insolvency register
Debtors can apply for a Persons at Risk of Violence order to withhold the debtor’s current address.
Contingent debts in insolvency
A debt is included in a DRO if it is payable immediately or at a certain future time, but a bankruptcy debt can be unliquidated and without a fixed payment date.
Council tax arrears in a debt relief order
Council tax due for the remainder of the financial year is included in a DRO once the debtor has received a reminder notice, otherwise, the amount due is calculated as a daily rate.
Creditor objections to a debt relief order
A creditor can object to a debt relief order, but only on certain grounds and only if they follow the correct process.
Debt relief orders and written off debts
A written off debt could be left out of a DRO application if the creditor has confirmed they will not recover it in future.
Debt relief restrictions and DRROs
A debtor is subject to restrictions during the debt relief order moratorium and for an extended period if a debt relief restrictions order or undertaking is in place.
How court fines are treated for debt relief orders
The status of the court fine as an excluded debt, and other payments relating to the fine such as enforcement fees, which are a qualifying debt in a DRO.
When a vehicle is an asset for DRO applications
In this specialist debt advice, we look at how advisers can determine if a car or van is an asset for debt relief order applications.
When to report a preference in a debt relief order application
What to consider when deciding whether to report that a preference has been paid, and the likely outcome of this.