Eligibility for homeless assistance
Eligibility for homelessness assistance depends on immigration and residence status. There are different rules for British and Irish nationals, and for people from abroad.
British and Irish citizens and their family members
The rules on eligibility for homelessness assistance of British and Irish citizens and their family members.
Habitual residence test
British and Irish nationals as well as some people from abroad are only eligible for assistance if they are habitually resident in the Common Travel Area.
People from abroad who are eligible
People from abroad are only entitled to homelessness assistance if they are eligible
People with EU pre-settled status
Eligibility rules for applying for homeless assistance for EEA nationals and their family members who have been granted pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme
People with EU temporary protection
The eligibility rules for EEA nationals and their family members who have not yet been granted status under the EU settlement scheme.
Applications if someone in the household is ineligible
Ineligible household members are sometimes disregarded when establishing whether an applicant is homeless or in priority need