Suitability of accommodation for homeless applicants
Factors that must be considered in deciding whether accommodation is suitable.
Last updated: 31 March 2023
Suitability of homelessness accommodation
Accommodation offered, secured or provided by a local authority under a homelessness duty must be suitable.
Circumstances of homeless applicant and household
Accommodation must be suitable for the homeless person and every member of their household.
Location of accommodation
Local authorities must consider location when assessing whether an offer of accommodation is suitable for a homeless applicant.
Costs and affordability of accommodation
When determining if an offer of accommodation is suitable a local authority must take into account whether the applicant can afford the housing costs.
Enhanced suitability requirements for private rented accommodation
Private rented sector accommodation used by a local authority to discharge homelessness duties is subject to an enhanced standard of suitability.
Suitability of bed and breakfast accommodation
Bed and breakfast accommodation is only suitable for a homeless person as a last resort in emergency cases.
Suitability of hostels, refuges and emergency accommodation
Suitability requirements of emergency homelessness accommodation secured by a local authority in hostels, domestic abuse refuges and to Gypsies and Travellers.
Challenges to accommodation suitability
The procedure for challenging the suitability of an offer of homelessness accommodation, and the courts' powers where a challenge is successful.