Spotlight on: promoting social inclusion and support for prison leavers
- Online
- Tuesday 26 March, 10am - 2.15pm

£130+VAT standard rate | £115+VAT discount rate
A half-day online event exploring some of the barriers prison leavers face, sharing best practice and innovative solutions, and fostering collaboration among the different stakeholders.
Featuring keynote speeches and workshops exploring the relationship between cuckooing and country lines, debt, welfare benefits and housing support.
This event is relevant to anyone who works within the prison system or who provides support to people entering the prison system and prison leavers. It will also be of interest to anyone working within local and national government, the advice and housing sectors.
Take advantage of this opportunity to engage with our panel of experts, ask questions, and gain insights into the important work being done in the sector. Our learning workshops, led by subject experts, will further enhance your knowledge and skills.
10:00am Welcome and introduction
10:15am Panel one: Resettlement, cuckooing and county lines - joining the dots and addressing the risks
Exploring home invasion (cuckooing), its relationship with county lines and how both relate to newly released prisoners.
Currently these issues tend to be looked at in isolation. Would a more effective intervention address these issues together, and work effectively pre-release to identify risks, building resilience and support structures?
- Evan Jones, Director of Criminal Exploitation Development, St Giles
Q&A: Questions will be monitored by facilitators during the session
11:15am Break
11:30am Workshops
Workshop one: Dealing with debts, before, during, and after prison
Exploring what people can do to prepare for the possibility that they may be sent to prison. While a person is in prison, how can their debts be dealt with, and how can risks to family or assets during this time be mitigated?
This workshop will also discuss options to begin to resolve the situation, either ready for when a person is released, or after they are released.
- Tom Barrett, Trainer, Shelter
Workshop two: Benefits and prisoners
This workshop will cover:
Which benefits can be paid to prisoners and which benefits cease
Tax credits and child benefit during imprisonment
The qualifying criteria for housing benefit and universal credit housing costs element for prisoners
How imprisonment affects the benefit awards of other family members
Special rules for prisoners in universal credit
- Richard Stanier, Trainer, Shelter
Panel two: CAS-2: the service we deliver, our aims & our objectives
Nacro delivers Community Accommodation Service (CAS-2) on behalf of the Ministry of Justice across England and Wales. Nacro provides housing for people who do not have a suitable address for the term of their licence or bail order. It also offers the support they need to move on to an independent, crime-free future.
Accommodation and support are provided for the duration of their bail order or Home Detention Curfew (HDC) licence period.
- James Lovell, Contract, Compliance and Performance Manager, Nacro
Q&A - Questions will be monitored by facilitators during the session
CPD points: 3.5